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Be defined as in a sentence

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Sentence count:85+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-02-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: definedredefineundefinedill-definedwell-defineddefineredefinitiondefine as
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1. Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs.
2. 70% of the workers can be defined as low-paid.
3. Within criminal law almost anything could be defined as "crime".
4. Recreational reading can be defined as a pastime by which the reader fills in time pleasantly.
5. History could be defined as a coherent account of an event.
6. An activated word might be defined as any word placed in a context such that it takes on emotional intensity.
7. Thus a set type can be defined as a named relationship between record types.
8. A field system could be defined as strings of coordinates following each field boundary, along with reference names or numbers.
9. A bond can be defined as a unique relationship between two people that is specific and endures through time.
10. In many cases, things that can be defined as entities could also be defined as attributes, and viceversa.
11. The power goes beyond that which can be defined as physical or mental.
12. Yet while the monad may be defined as force, monads do not manifest themselves in the phenomenal world.
13. Discourse, indeed, might be defined as the totality of all these elements interacting.
14. Traditionally,[] skilled jobs have tended to be defined as those requiring apprenticeships.
15. The effectiveness of a procedure can, however, also be defined as its ability to eradicate tumour locally.
16. Math may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true. Bertrand Russell 
17. The thematic stage may be defined as the conceptual framework within which the story is told, presented and performed.
18. The future state can be defined as the vision for the organization or the strategic objectives of the change.
19. Linguistics can be defined as the science of language.
20. Abrasive wear may be defined as damage to a surface by a harder material.
21. The subscript operator must be defined as a class member function.
22. Team teaching can be defined as a method that a group of two or more teachers work together to plan, teach and assess the teaching and learning for the same group of students.
23. Boiled down to its core, Tingatinga art can be defined as painting on Masonite using bicycle paint.
24. A code page can be defined as a table with a mapping of alphanumeric code and its binary representation.
25. For example, using the same logic and assuming a constant required rate of return, may be defined as follows:.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. Although there are many types of dementia they can generally be defined as involving progressive and irreversible brain failure.
27. Third, we are, inpart at least, talking about an activity which appears to be defined as problematic by users themselves.
28. Expansion of business size has completed through the first round of merging process that could also be defined as production quotas competition.
29. Considering the way the resources consumed during educational activities affect the process of education, the education cost can be defined as the direct and indirect cost.
30. Conclusion anaplastic ependymoma rapid growth, poor clinical course, biological behavior should be defined as malignant.
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